Nurses Gone Wild of the Day

So nurses are no longer called nurses, but rather “FRONT LINE WORKERS” because you need to put a marketing spin on everything when you’re the news media covering things like Global Pandemics, because FRONT LINE WORKERS seems substantially more aggressive and important, than Doctor’s fuck slut, or hole….depending on how misogynistic you are about lady work…even though there are male nurses, who you always need to refer to as male nurse because nurse on its own implies they have a vagina….not that genders exist anymore, but you know what I mean…

All this to say that with the sudden over-hyping of their jobs or the fact that they didn’t quit their jobs cuz of covid because that is their job….has given all these nurses an ego, it’s given a sudden interest in nurses, and a LARGE handful of nurses feel the best way to celebrate that is by posting nudes on the internet…and these are those nurse nudes.

Nurses Gone Wild of the Day August 17th, 2020