Elisabeth Rioux is a French Canadian who escaped the general French Canadian plan of becoming a stripper and instead made it on instagram as a bikini clad travel and adventure girl posing up vacation pics of herself in her own bikini line, and she’s apparently gamed the whole instagram thing, running her own brand that seemingly makes her a shit ton of money while allowing her to write off all her vacations…it’s a win…
I assume she got her start after seeing Alexis Ren and her boyfriend doing their whole thing and has cast a few instagram boyfriends to play the part, in trying to get famous, and for a French Canadian, she’s massively famous, they normally only cater to their own people, but this one’s got millions watching her every move…pretty impressive things and all it took was some solid bikini pics promoted the right way.
She’s an over-sharer like most of these girls and she recently shat out a baby….the number 1 instagram accessory for instagram people thanks to Kylie Jnner…and in shitting out a baby she’s lactacting and producing content around her lactacting that involve nipple squeezes which is hot enough for me, and as close to the lap dance booth she was slated for because she was born into that life as we’ll get…now that she’s made that internet money.