On/Off Flashers on Friday of the Day

The internet’s most important feature is the ability for everyday girls to upload slutty pics for attention, money, a good time, who fucking knows…maybe it’s to get off to the fact people are seeing them nude…maybe it is because we are all half retards and if you’ve ever been to a Retard swimming class you’ll know a thing or two about exhibitionism….

What I will say is that whatever the reason, it’s always fun to look at, appreciate, try to figure out where the confidence comes from because they nasty, and one of the best forms for flashing is the ON/OFF so you have the full flashing experience.

That’s not to say random butthole pics aren’t worthy of the views they get, it’s just to say that when you see before and and after you get that virtual flashing experience…liek some Augmented Reality you pokemon playing fuck.

On/Off Flashers on Friday of the Day August 21st, 2020