Lionel’s official daughter, not the mooch Nicole, has been sold off to the Kardashian empire who I guess manage all her social media deals for her thanks to the covereage she got being on their show…instead of going to the best schools in the world, launching the best product in the world, or doing something that significantly changes the world thanks to her ability to access huge amounts of money to help people…
You know like how the Black Lives Matter movement spends all their donations on important things like housing and educating and giving money for food to all the black families out there struggling….assuming that’s why all the celebrities support that movement so strongly…right…because it does actual good things…right…
Unfortunately, we live in this vapid world where bullshit luxury items take priority to bullshit rich people, and private jet travel and being a vapid cunt famous for doing nothing but being born from Lionel’s testicles, is all a bitch needs to survive…it’s pretty empty and pretty dumb and pretty self involved…so don’t take any of their fake activism seriously, they are liars.
That said, she’s in some onesie thing with her ass hanging out, her thighs looking thick, her pussy being huged, her tits spilling out, because fashion….right? Or maybe it’s because they called the paparzzi and she felt the need to make a cameltoe appearance…who knows.