Julianne Hough Orgy of the DAy

The world’s worst Mormon, because she took an Oath and denouncing the religion for the evil soulless Hollywood, she still belongs to whoever the head of Mormonism is…..John Smith? Jebodiah? Latter Day Saints? Who fucking knows….I just know when you’re doing coke off Ryan Seacrest’s dick after anal…but more importantly after signing an NDA back when you pretended to be his girlfriend for the clout…the Mormon church is an afterthought when you do what it is you do….you know one of those bad religious people who go way off the rails especially after their Mormon dance trainer made her and her brother bone…I still don’t understand how she’s Hollywood and not a stripper, she must be rich, her Mormon parents like all Mormon parents are probably loaded.

Anyway, this is her doing some shamelss for attention, human pyramid, fitness / tight pant human centipede shit done wrong as they stack themselves and clearly COVID is a myth….what happened to Social Distancing?


Julianne Hough Orgy of the DAy September 4th, 2020