Rainey Qualley Nip Slip of the Day

Rainey Qualley Nip Slip

I like to shit on Rainey Qualley, but not in the traditional way of shitting on women, you know sexually, or at least to see how far the bitch will let you go for your 100 dollar offer that she needs to buy her crack with….

But I like to shit on her figuratively because she’s bullshit…another celebrity kid, trying to be hot, trying to be important, trying to make a name for herself doing the same nonsense everyone is doing, but having a better go of it because she’s rich as shit…thanks to her parents…

I find the Qualley girls, there are two of them, irritating because they pretend they were raised in the backwoods of Asheville North Carolina, at the base of the Great Smokey mountains, like a Coal Miner’s daughter, not that there’s coal in the Great Smokeys, but there’s lumber….and there could be coal…I’m not about to Google why people settled there to raise their kids in squalor….one room log cabins with no running water or electricity….but 18 kids…on some Dolly Parton Origin story shit….

When you know they were raised in a mansion there…and that their music, since one of them makes music, is not more gut wrenching or meaningful, like some Nashville starlet of the 1960s because of where she was raised but to the LA fucks she probably associates with it’s such a foreign concept…the idea of her being raised in Asheville terrifies them….”But where did you get your organic smoothies”…..and a “You mean you couldn’t go to NOBU while you were there”….get the fuck out of here…because you know bitch had her Organic Smoothies and Nobu flown in, assuming she spent more than a week at a time at the Asheville home where Andie decided to give them their “normal” life that COULDN’T be normal…there mom was fucking famous…and now they are obnoxiously trying to be famous too…

Well, in that quest, tits have been unleashed…there’s not much tit here to be unleashed but like all small tits trying to be bigger than they are…you know trying to live their best life..she’s pushed the cleavage as far as it can go and I see nipple rim..

So here’s Nipple Rim.


Rainey Qualley Nip Slip of the Day September 7th, 2020