Ariel Winter Ass Shots of the Day

Ariel Winter is a nasty ass (literally) troll, who seems to fucking LOVE going grocery shopping, but based on her size, you probably could already tell she’s an emotional eater with a terrible diet on some Aubrey O’Day shit (assuming you’ve seen recent pics of Aubrey O’Day…they are mental)….

The Modern Family, sold to the industry when she was a kid and her troll look could be passed off as cute rather than troll, has probably a very limited future in acting ahead of her….I just don’t think people give enough of a fuck about her to cast her in things…but then again Hollywood likes recycling pussy so there’s a chance she gets some viral horror movie….or some Oscar winning performance as a child star sold by her parents, sexualized to the level where she had to cut off her sloppy tits, only for them to grow back because she loves carbs, they hug her like mommy never did….kind of thing…you know drawn from life….

When she was still on the show, she’d be at the gym daily while still being fat….which was a terrible sign of what was to come…then she dropped the weight, credited her Anti-Depressants for it, which is always a really great thing for her young fans to hear….as they are already all trained to think they have mental health problems instead of realizing it’s called LIVING, LIFE, BEING HUMAN…

Not that it matters….what mattes is she gained the weight back, looks like shit, but is mooning the paparazzi since she’s already been put out there for the majority of her life, what’s showing a little ass, she probably likes it.



Ariel Winter Ass Shots of the Day September 11th, 2020