Vanessa Hudgens Fitness Erotica of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens got dumped….hit social media to get revenge by posting hot pics of herself….realized that for a professionally trained Disney Kid, which are the best trained performers in the industry thanks to Disney being masterful at everything they do, I mean even the head of Neflix was sucking Disney’s dick in a headline I saw last week because they got 60 million subscribers on their VERY shitty fucking streaming platform…so they basically don’t fuck around….except maybe some of their execs with the kids they work with…but anyone who wants to work with kids is a fucking weirdo, Disney should know that…

POINT being…thanks to her training, her celebrity, which gave her a large existing audience, she realized that what influencers do, and some make millions, even billions is a joke from a production and performing standpoint….so get in there, get on it…girl loves the camera…and she loves to sexualize herself too…she was the first to have leaked nudes when the technology was barely even there at the time…a first mover to get her nakedness out there..

She looks a hell of a lot better than she did then, her tits seem big, her body fit, so this new strategy is one I support…plus, if it makes a useless influencer’s clickbait less relevant, taking the platform, the horrible Instagram Zuckerberg Platform, from all these no name mooch fucks and reclaiming it as someone with management, fame, agents, etc…as IG dies, just not fast enough….

Point being, she looks good.


Vanessa Hudgens Fitness Erotica of the Day September 11th, 2020