Dakota Fanning will forever creep me the fuck out…..
Any of you out there who are super fans, as these celebs have fucking weirdo super fans, you’re fucking predators and should be locked up….
Just her name alone reminds me of when she was doing media tours as a kid. She was so trained, robbed of her childhood on a level where she was overly serious, overly proper, creepily adult….and she got press for being this mini adult….
It really could have only been one interview but it was enough for me to write her off as some robot, puppet, trained by her parents to give them the good hollywood life…exploited child amongst all the other children…and whether she’s 60 or 40 or 35 even if she’s out there producing fan content for her porn channels…I’m talking auto felating herself, not that girls can do that, I’ll still be weirded out by her because there was something very off then and you don’t just grow out of that weirdness.
I can’t imagine watching any Dakota Fanning movie, if she pops up in something, I avoid it….so needless to say, I don’t find her or her hard nipple hot she’s more on a horror movie level of creep me the fuck out…but I do this for you.