Whitney Cummings and Olivia Munn Sauna Orgy of the Day

I dislike Olivia Munn, the scammer who moved to LA to become famous, only to land a shitty hosting gig that luckily targeted the nerds, who she manipulated with her nerd speak, and in turn used them to get a solid fan base because nerds are weak, but loyal, SIMPS…..she still tries so hard to get attention from….She’s the kind of girl who got some mainstream work, even if it was undeserving based on her talent and her lying to her fans, when really she’s more the kind of girl who belongs on selling nude fan site….she is the kind of girl who would go fully clothed in a Sauna for attention…or to cocktease…that’s what these kinds of women do….

I also dislike Whitney Cummings, not because I don’t think women are funny, or that women can’t be comics, that’s just something we say because it pisses these bitches off, but more importantly, a lot of girls I know are hilarious, not some try hard, potty mouth chasing clout or whatever from being a potty mouth, scam…..Whitney Cummings and her comedy act she slaved away at because she’s one of those losers who think she’s funny and practices her jokes in front of the mirror…has never made me laugh…I did see her replace Kimmel a few months ago and it was what the internet would call CRINGEWORTHY….there was no canned laughter or audience so without the awkwardness of them being told to laugh the radio silence generated radio silence from anyone watching…showcasing just how hard she sucks..

I mean….figuratively….her literal sucking hard is a thing of the past because it’s allowed her to sell multiple TV shows she’s been paid heavy on, so heavy she can afford a Sauna…because when you’re in the fucking system, the system hooks you up, whether you’re good or not….

This is a hangout of a bunch of losers who think they’ve won, and Cummings and her big titties getting grabbed while in panties looking sloppy as shit may excite you…I think it’s a little too real…cry for attention…hyped on theselves…garbage…but tits are still getting grabbed by whores….fun.


Whitney Cummings and Olivia Munn Sauna Orgy of the Day September 15th, 2020