Jojo Downward Dog of the Day

Jojo is loving her new found sex appeal, attention grabbing tits, position in the world as she builds off of her earlier very public career as a kid sold off to the industry, that has turned into lingerie modelling for Rihanna, showing off that she has massive tits on her own, and doing things like YOGA poses in public so that the world can see her flexibility in positions that could also be used in sex…

The point is, Jojo has found her sex appeal, likes the attention from it, and is running with it, and we’re not too fat to keep up with that run, because her version of running is posting slutty content on the internet. The right kind of run….none of that up at 5 am shit you see in the local park when you’re finishing your last beer of the night…those over achieving fucks.


Jojo Downward Dog of the Day September 17th, 2020