Taylor Swift’s Fake Country Ass of the Day

I find Taylor Swift’s sex appeal to be less than the sex appeal of a wet rag and not even a warm wet rag shaped into a vagina shape like some Origami master at the all inclusive resort trying to make your hotel room feel 5 star…just fucking wet rag of a human…

I also find her whole angle of being this broken, weak, teenager in love, who is always the victim, pretty fucking pathetic and not empowering, just pandering to losers everywhere who would buy into her nonsense.

Even worse, I hate that she’s packaged herself as country, because she got her start in Nashville, thanks to knowing that country fans are forever…just ask LeAnn Rimes, you can do no wrong with country….

So seeing her at the Opry, an iconic place where some of the most amazing country musicians have played over the last 100 fucking years, whether at this venue or the old Rymans, you know where Johnny Cash jerked off to June Carter before he was even playing the GUITAR….back when he was working the family crop share….

Point being, she’s a pop star, who uses country, because country is lucrative, and it’s all pretty obvious in the fact that she lives in NYC, and uses country as a marketing hook, while country folk don’t turn their back on her, or egg her, like they should that CULTURAL APPROPRIATOR, because they are nice people who accept her into their club….even if she’s dog shit…

I guess the point is that she’s trying to sexualize herself with her pants riding up her ass for the Taylor Swift perverts who think she’s hot…when she’s not, but she has taken a lot of dick, at least based on her lyrics that I try to not listen as they rape us with them on the regular thanks to radio play.

Fuck Taylor Swift.


Taylor Swift’s Fake Country Ass of the Day September 18th, 2020