Nurses Gone Wild of the Day

There’s a rumored second wave of COVID going down around here, or at least the fear mongering of a second wave is going down around here, despite not knowing anyone who has tested positive, even the people I know who haven’t tested positive, don’t know anyone who has tested positive, there are a few people who claim they had it bad, but when asked if they did the actual test, every last one of them says “oh I didn’t get tested, but it had to be COVID”… with articles like “SECOND WAVE COMING”….or “GET THESE SUPPLIES BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE AND THE SECOND WAVE KILLS ALL DISTRIBUTION”….as people panic while young people who do test positive have a cough for 2 days….so HUNKER DOWN, don’t fuck, socialize, eat in restaurants, wash your groceries, don’t go to work…work from home….because it’s a REAL new VIRUS and you’ve seen the movies…

Now I’m not downplaying the whole COVID thing, I don’t leave my house regardless of viruses, but it all seems nutty when you hear how crazy Sweden was for the entirety of the pandemic, until they officially are “no longer in a pandemic”…when they did no mask measures, or anything like that.

I actually don’t read the news, I’m more into tits, but it all seems pretty suspicious clickbait…and that’s not me trying to side with the retard anti-maskers, or whatever, it’s just a lot of “everyone I know is going out living normally and none are getting sick”…situation…and even the numbers, 200k deaths that had COVID, but weren’t caused by COVID in a country of 350 million or more, is pretty shit….plus old and sick people should die if they can’t handle the virus…they are just going to be leeches off our system with their underlying health issues…

What I am trying to say is that nurses are sluts, the sex workers of the healthcare industry, in it to get a doctor husband, despite being treated like heroes, and using that hype to start fan sites, knowing they wouldn’t get fired, because they were in high demand and heroes….even though they were really just doing their damn jobs…that’s what they signed up for…and are paid for…which to me isn’t that heroic at all, but maybe I’m an asshole.

An asshole that’s happy to showcase slutty nurses in their element, in and out of scrubs for masturbation purposes of all. That’s the real hero shit they do….

There’s been a real slowdown in the slutty nurses posting slutty pics in the last month or so, but some are still mooching it and here you go…and I guess what I am trying to say is that nurses are fucking awesome! So misbehaved.

Nurses Gone Wild of the Day September 21st, 2020