On/Off Flashers Friday of the Day

Fuck celebrities, it’s all about the girls of the world who are trying to either become celebrities in their own right, or who are just into monetizing their nudes because nudes are super mainstream and everyone does them, so why not make money with them…I just find them more entertaining, their hustle more noble and respectable, oftentimes they are hotter than the celebs, and I’m all for showing off their art of On/Off….where they show you clothed vs unclothed so you can see whether they are hotter clothed or nude because for some women clothing hinders their hot bodies and for other clothing make their hot bodies, and I’m just ultimately into every girl in the world getting naked and this speaks more to that than the celeb boring bullshit I do daily…

Random nudes are my passion…

So here’s some on/off’s for Friday as we do every Friday..

On/Off Flashers Friday of the Day September 25th, 2020