Dove Cameron Not Flashing Her Pussy of the Day

Dove Cameron is some Disney kid who has mangled the fuck out of her face because these younger people are fucking nuts…with body dysmorphia…all broken thanks to the family selling her off to Disney….and I just read that her dad killed himself for being gay which would also fuck a girl up….but the face injections are just crazy…

It’s one of those “Group Thought” manipulation of the minds of the masses that have no rational reasoning, but that are strictly created by mass-accepted trends….that speak to these idiots on their emotional levels….so they just go with it…

It’s the reason pop music exists, trends exist, just the average person can’t be a leader and needs to follow the crowd, whether they believe in what they are doing or not at their core, they don’t look too deep into it…they just find comfort in being like everyone else I guess…

So things like face injections at 18 are the norm, people go overboard with it because they are trying to get this instagram filter look in everyday life, and even girls like Dove Cameron who I don’t even know what she looked like before she was on TV, but wasn’t too ugly to be on TV, so

So there’s that…a girl who thought she was ugly and listened to the haters so she mangled the face like some identity crisis…I don’t know what this shoot is for, but there’s some leg in it…to divert from whatever she did to that face.


Dove Cameron Not Flashing Her Pussy of the Day October 5th, 2020