Faith Schroder Pussy Print of the Day

Faith Schroder understands basic social media marketing, if you show people your vagina in a pair of tight shorts, people will like it and possibly follow you more often.

I guess you have to put in that extra effort to get noticed when your famous celebrity relative is Ricky Schroder, someone the people of her generation have never heard of and are zero excited by….

It’s one of those, do what you can to get where we gotta go, when where we gotta go is being relevant on social media, the coveted and most imoportant thing to be in this era and they all do it with their tits.

The good news is that they also do it with pussy definition and despite not seeing all the pussy you’d want to in these shorts, you know that for the next year, there will be able pics of cameltoes in tight pants because it’s the cleavage of the era.


Faith Schroder Pussy Print of the Day October 8th, 2020