Bella Thorne Birthday Tits of the Day

Bella Thorne still looks like a hot dog you left in the microwave too long about 5 months ago and only realized because you found the source of that rotting flesh smell you’ve been smelling the last 4 and a half months ago….

She’s got the sex appeal of an obese woman shitting herself because she couldn’t get off her motorized scooter fast enough, which could be the hottest thing out there for some of you lonely fucks, but I am saying it in a “it’s not hot” kind of way.

Sure she’s got the body….and she’s got the tits, that I keep trying to find the implant scars on, since I am sure these are after market tits…but you can never be too sure….I just know her face, despite the pock marks and acne scars she likes to celebrate because it’s part of being relatable to the idiot generation which makes the relatable generation buy your shit…it’s a basic marketing, or network marketing, pyramid scheme scam…where she’s at the top of the food chain cashing in on the idiots who think she’s being authentic….as she pretends to be the voice of her generation and gets rewarded for it…even when she hits OnlyFans like.a bartender or waitress now out of work and ready to cash in on her tits the internet way…despite having 12 revenue streams….pretty fucking greedy right, even more greedy when you realize she doesn’t even get naked to risk that mainstream money she likes so much….so she does this softcore shit and dumb fucks pay to see it….making her millions….while I post them and make about 50 cents a week….because I guess those bolt on tits aren’t mine to monetize…

Point being, for whatever reason, the loud trashy girl saying all the inappropriate things to get noticed is such a cliche, and it’s not hot…even if everyone celebrates it like it is…

I don’t know why I find her sex appeal a zero, I don’t think her level of loud and annoying, vulgar and trashy would throw me off so much that I’d think a girl being slutty has no sex appeal…but maybe it’s because she looks like a dude….so those closet cases out there probably like her for that…while the straights are like…keep the tits coming you scamming clickbait Disney Trained manipulative and annoying cunt….even though we don’t really like anything she does…..but get that she’s a meme and this is her life as a meme.


Bella Thorne Birthday Tits of the Day October 14th, 2020