Bella Thorne Queer Sisters Fetish of the Day

When I do my shitty naked girls of the internet round-ups each day, I always come across girls, weird fucking girls with elf ears on. It’s a thing….they say shit like “Nymph” or “elf” or “fairy” and that level of insanity confuses me….maybe it’s aspergers, autism, or elf / fairy ears on a naked selfie is fucking lame sci/fi fantasy, queer millennial video gamer shit I don’t fuck with….but clearly Bella Thorne does because she’s all about ripping off the nude girls of the internet while tipping a toe in being a nude girl of the internet….selling subscription site nudes to the fans like nude girls of the internet do….

Clearly, Bella Thorne is a Disney kid, which means she’s a lame mainstream fuck trained to be a lame mainstream fuck….she’s not edgy, she’s mall brand edgy…you know PG rated edgy that’s basically ripping off the people who are actually edgy and building an identity around it….since actors have no souls and thus no personalities…they don’t know who they are…it’s just about the packaging and marketing of themselves…which Bella Thorne is probably doing better than most as she’s managed to be relevant, trending, an influencer, celebrity, with a development deal with FOX while still making millions in a day on her nude subscription account…it’s all so confusing…just not as confusing as her lame sister, who thinks she’s an original, obviously trying very hard at being an original, and it’s all so fucking lame….

This is a trending from every angle of weird sister fetish shoot with some nip…and neither have any sex appeal at all…but still worth looking!


Bella Thorne Queer Sisters Fetish of the Day October 19th, 2020