Nina Dobrev Titty Shot of the Day

Nina Dobrev Pink BRa

Sofia, Bulgaria’s own escapee, who nationalized in Canada because Canada is a friendly place with no immigration laws, that can get you in on the free healthcare system with a small investment of about 100k into a business, like a convenience store or restaurant, which will give you and your entire family permanent residence, in what I guess would be a more stable country that Buglaria in 1989…..and who turned her back on Canada when she found stardom, like most of these ladder climbing bitches, who are always trying to size up or better themselves….by landing a hit show at the time that instagram was just starting, so that she could amass 21 million followers like an actual celebrity, and exist of that instagram feed instead of doing shit like actually working, because social media work is documenting your day with one photo and story, in what is typically boring and uninteresting shit, but that the fans watch and engage with because it’s something from someone they are fans of….making for a very boring world filled with all the same content…

The only good thing is when they decide to bring out the tits for some clickbait moments like this…even though we all know she’s currently fucking rich as fuck superstar Snowboarder Shaun White, who despite his success is a very ugly looking ginger, making her sex something you’d likely not want to watch, or at least that you’d only watch to see the pasty freckled snowboarding monster fuck like she was a half pipe…

I don’t know what that means…but I am sure it involves him showing her his bank statement to make her Bulgarian ass cum….anyway, this post is about her tits and the fact that I had no idea she was so stacked…..I guess it’s also about her being a 31 year old who actually looks 31 in this era of muppets getting face injections at 16…that becomes rare and hot in and of itself…

Nina Dobrev Pink BRa


Nina Dobrev Titty Shot of the Day October 20th, 2020