Tricia Helfer Nude in 98 of the Day

Tricia Helfer Nude

Tricia Helfer may be old as shit now, I am assuming she’s around 50 years old, but there was a time that Canada’s own Maple Syrup Queen was masturbation fodder to nerds everywhere, and unfortunately, due to nerds inability to move on with their life, probably still is…which is likely why her nude pic from 1998 is making its way on the internet today, probably a throwback to the glory days posted by her, in what I would call good planning and something all young girls under 25 should be aware of, because get the smutty pics when you were hot, so you can give you husband them to jerk off to when you’re not cuz you’re old….prior to this lazy ass generation of sluts selling nudes instead of getting a job because of mental health and coddling that made them lazy agoraphobics….girls usually only got slutty around Tricia Helfer’s current age of near 50 after a divorce threw them into sexual exploration and being sluts taking all the dick they should have got after watching porn and being angry their husband, now that he has money, is fucking a 20 year old porn sugar baby….and they feel the need to try to compete….so get it in when you’re young….like this Battlestar Galactica girl you’d want to cuck.


Tricia Helfer Nude in 98 of the Day October 20th, 2020