Charli XCX is in a bikini and she’s still got the tits that I think were her key selling point when she first came to america as a third tier popstar…like other third tier popstar tits before her, mainly RITA ORA, these tits have really been good earners for the host bodies of said tits…
I know based on their low level of celebrity, you’d assume that they were just rich kid socialites who managed to pull some scam through a fake record deal, allowing them to enter the USA….and live their best celebrity life in the USA as a third tier popstar with tits…you know you’ve never heard any of their songs, how could they be killing it, and the answer is because the entertainment industry has so much fucking money to go around, just not over here, as they don’t pay me to promote their bikini pics even if they should…
So this one, who you’d think was a whatever, just bought a 5 or 6 million dollar house in LA, owned by some producer she may or may not have fucked like she was Rita Ora, which means that she had to have at least 20% downpayment and proof she can pay the 20,000 a month mortgage….not to mention she’s got baller houses in the UK too…so either she inherited a small fortune, whcih is possible, or her shitty pop music got her paid….
All this to say, knowing that she’s as successful as she is and not the mooch I previously thought she was makes her hot sloppy tits just as hot and sloppy.