Tanline Thursday of the Day

I don’t know where you live, if it is cold or not, maybe you’re from the Caribbean….maybe you’re in Hawaii…but you’re probably just a Russian Spam bot who doesn’t even care about me, this site, or my feelings, but I do appreciate the traffic numbers so that I know there’s at least one of you out there and that I am not the LEAST FOLLOWED site on the internet that I know I am…

I do know that TANLINES are hot, they are summer, they are aspirational….whether made in a trashy spray tan booth, or on the beach like nature intended or not…they frame the parts we aren’t supposed to see and that’s just so thrilling for our virgin incels who can’t get laid asses….

Here’s that round-up…ROUND UP….if you or someone you know has been exposed to ROUND UP be sure to join the class action lawsuit of CHECK OUT THESE TANLINES.

Tanline Thursday of the Day October 22nd, 2020