Em Rat Cow is Pregnant of the Day

Will it be a rat or will it be a cow? The lamest reveal to hit the internet today.

Emily Ratajkowski is the lamest self promoter and self googler around, but for whatever reason the industry has accepted her as a “voice”, not a very important voice, but they give her attention despite really just being a set of tits that got naked in a viral music video and that was able to polarize that in the weakest way to amass a giant following…forcing people live VOGUE to suck her dick as part of their instagram strategy because they want followers too you know…

In this video, she reveals her pregnancy with the rich kid who looks like “MASK”…. assuming her rich husband is the baby daddy, I guess that depends on what she’s casting for. So it is probably not with one of the photographers she used to suck up to for content before she was trending….only to turn around and act like they are predators when everyone is just using everyone out here…it was a good angle to claim empowerment despite getting naked never being empowering, people really ran with her story and made her a titty model hero to other itty models….because if you get famous for clickbait nudes, you gotta spend your life trying to make those clickbait low hanging fruit way to get eyeballs looking your way seem higher concept….it’s the porno model, people aren’t on this site to read what I say, they are here for the tits…as every Rat Cow fan is there for the tits…but they pretend they aren’t to feel better about their existence…

In keeping with the MILK FILLED TIT MONDAY post I made about the disgustingness of pregnancy and milk filled tits, she’s just announced her lame pregnancy in a lame way, directed by Lena Dunham with some spoken word that is poorly executed like a college film class and not a very good one…more a weekend film seminar for seniors…but it’s an attempt at depth that is so off the mark…but may have some authenticity because she’s so hyped on herself, that she thinks reproduction is her gift to society, some narcissism, even if having kids in this era is some selfish shit.

I am not a fan of Em Rata, her hustle, even her nudes suck…if anything her bottom feeding offends me because it worked and I prefer titty models to keep on track titty modelling, not being fake internet fashion icons who partner up with VOGUE to release pregnancy smut….direced by LENA DUNHAM some other idiot who believes her own hype…it’s like two ugly chicks talking about how great they are because they don’t know they are ugly…because the world hasn’t allowed them to come to that conclusion when clearly it’s obvious…because beauty is more than just a set of tits or a photo…it digs deeper into your soul and clearly there’s no soul here.

All this to say bitch got cummed in during QUarantine like it was a Ben Affleck / David Fincher casting for GONE GIRL…



Em Rat Cow is Pregnant of the Day October 27th, 2020