Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I don’t know how familiar you are with this site, but since the beginning of the site’s existence, I’ve been drawn to the weirdos of the internet doing weirdo things. Even before the site I was fucking around on forums, in weirdo communities, like Large Penis Support Group, which was a pretty gay site where dudes into big dicks would get dick pics out of dudes who struggled with big dicks, all under the guise of self-help….then I would sing Karoke on a voice chatroom called FIRETALK….fuck around with nerds on something called mIRC…I’m old timer and the one thing that’s inspired me all these years are the fucking weirdos finding each other where they’d otherwise be lonely losers in their own existence…but the internet opened the world up to them and their fetishes….

There was a time when the internet wasn’t mainstream, and the people producing content weren’t hot young girls dancing and pretending to be models…it was weirdos…and if it wasn’t for celebrities getting all the clicks, I would have devoted my life to that…a People of New York on weirdos…but instead I just called celebs sluts…

Since I am really uninterested in celebs, and since the internet is mainstream and all kinds of weirdos are uploading weird shit, I feel compelled to go back to my true passion of weirdos, to find them…

So when I thought I found my stride with “WET SPOT WEDNESDAY” a series of pics of girls posting their wet panties….I have now found a new What the Fuck….which is lactating tits….girls excited about their pregnancy – that they show off the milk filled tits…since they are proud of the nastiness…for lonely dudes into milky tits…and this is that….

Milky Boobs Monday of the Day October 26th, 2020