Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Full Back Panties are also known as granny panties….they are frowned upon by women who aren’t in relationships everywhere…but celebrated by everyone who is in a relationship….because a relationship is basically code for “being on your period” every day of the month…just nothing but comfort because you have no one to impress….but luckily, the younger generation who grew up on porn are just into fucking, being perverted, getting as close to being a porn star as possible….and they are always trying to improve or get creative with their content they use to grow their audience…and in doing that they occassionally ironically post some FULL BACK panties, maybe it’s some feminism or activism, some protest the thong and the men who they blame for wearing thongs even though we had nothing to do with that trend, you bitches did….because you thought you looked better even if it cuts up inside your asshole…..all while full back panties that are like a hammock…holding bitch up the right way…like two hands cupping the cheeks…offering the support they need….were pushed in the corner and saved for lounging at home alone….

But I guess they’ve come to their senses and realize dudes will fuck girls who wear anything….and the granny panties of this generation are more evolved than those of the past…made slutty…cut different…so they can be as hot as a thong too….

Don’t discriminate against FULL BACK panties.

Full Back Panties Friday of the Day October 30th, 2020