Irina Sivalnay Important Message of the Day

Irina Sivalnaya Model is Not Escort

Here’s some activism I can get behind….this model is doing the homeless man sign thing announcing that Modeling is Not Escort….written like a mail order bride who uses modeling to find husband that is rich….or at least someone to pay for the luxury products….

I am not saying that all models are escorts but modelling is a level of prostituting, these girls get paid for theirs bodies, to pose, they all get naked…and whether they fuck on a transaction level or just conveniently date old rich guys or not…it’ still escorting as far as I’m concerned….so is sugar babying…which conveniently is what all “Models” who are “Modeling” do…

I just like the lack of self awareness…or the need to announce there’s a different between the two to thwart dudes from asking her for pics of her feet…while posting pics of her feet…but not accpeting money for those pics of her feet because that would be escorting…

Anyway, funny but I am preferring this dude’s sign:


Irina Sivalnay Important Message of the Day October 30th, 2020