On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

Did you really think I’d forget the ON/OFF flashers on a Friday…it just takes me hours of digging through the 1000s of girls who post ON/OFF pics on the internet for attention….even the ones who look worse naked than clothed are onto this shit because they know that naked, even if it looks worse, is always hotter than clothed….it’s not a way for girls to show off how clothing fits them, it’s just a way for them to say “I was clothed, now I am naked, these are pics, so you know it happened”….and we should all thank the world for the mainstreaming of posting your nudes you would have been too shy to take 10 years ago but now it’s all GRAVY…as it fucking should be.


On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day October 30th, 2020