Taylor Momsen Biker Babe of the Day

Taylor Momsen Biker Babe

I just did a quick google of Taylor Momsen, who they referred to as “iconic frontwoman of Pretty Reckless’ which I thought was hilarious because when Pretty Reckless happened I just assumed the child star was all fucked up from Hollywood and this was her protest, I did’t realize it was an actual thing that people were into and that they’d ever refer to Momsen as “Iconic”…maybe “ex Grinch Who Stole Christmas Girl turned Low Level rockstar because Hollywood fucked her too hard”….but people into metal, on that GOTH shit need to celebrate their heroes since very few metal singers were on Gossip Girl.

I always think Taylor Momsen’s shit is lame, try hard, the Disney Kid version of anything and I don’t think we’ve seen Momsen in at least 4-5 years being sleazy…for whatever reason this photoshoot was enough to say – I’ll post it, why the fuck not…so this is it getting posted because why the fuck not.

She’s a skinny girl with no pants on next to motorbikes like it was a 80s babe poster I got at the record store in the mall that I had on my bedroom wall so everyone knew I wasn’t getting laid…the 2020 version…

Obviosuly, this could be better, assuming she’d show her actual ass rather than alluding to her ass being visible, I mean this is the IG generation, no asshole in a big means you’re risking that pic never being seen at it’s FULL potential…

Taylor Momsen Biker Babe



Taylor Momsen Biker Babe of the Day October 30th, 2020