Demi Lovato Bloody Tits of the Day

Here’s some Demi Lovato as what I assume she looked like during her overdose, maybe this is what she should look like had she succumbed to her overdose, as she probably should have, only these celebrities, they got NARCAN in the rec room, just in case an overdose happens as they try to self medicate with street drugs the way celebrities always have, becasue they are broken and disgusting humans that represent all evil in our society…the embodiment of the worst possible humans…that actually FIGHT to become these famous people, like they give up their child hoods and suck all kinds of dick to try ot make it because they want it so bad, where an overdose is likely the light in their dark fucking times…if anything the industry lobbied and campaigned or canvassed for her…I’ve never seen so much support for such degenerate shit….”oh poor bi polar rich person who has everything, let’s let her sing at the grammies, let’s let her keep her brand partners, she’s a huge star who lapsed and has mental health issues”…get the fuck out of here with that victim nonsense…she is responsible for her actions and mental health is a fucking myth…you can mind over matter ANYTHING.

I assume Lovato knows her angles, because she’s actually 600 pounds and doesn’t look it all slutty for Halloween, but the massive star being rich as fuck, is still broken as far as I’m concerned…Opiate Addictions are for life, so as we wait for her final overdose we might as well stare at her sloppy tits…


Demi Lovato Bloody Tits of the Day November 2nd, 2020