Workout Wednesday of the Day

I don’t know if this is a new feature on a Wednesday, but it could be….the idea was to showcase fit girls who consider themselves fit and who like to get down with the workout in a NSFW kind of way…or pose after the workout in a NSFW kind of way because they are all fucking horny and jacked up on testosterone from doing that fitness shit…

I figure fit girls are hotter than fat girls, unless the girl is too fit, in which case she ends up looking like a fucking dude, but some of you are into that, the female body builder fetishists cuz it’s not gay since they were born with a pussy even if their clits are now the size of mini dicks you jerk off as sicking the tip…even though that sounds pretty gay…

Health and wellness motherfuckers, be the best version of yourself, you may need that fitness in the event that you end up having to fight for your life during the actual impending apocalypse…plus it makes for better nude selfies when you’ve gone some tone and tightness…so shout out to the bitches who aren’t too lazy to get fit to be their hottest because they are too lazy to get jobs and selling nudes is easier…some of these girls aren’t even that fit, just self proclaimed fit, because we live amongst delusions!

Workout Wednesday of the Day November 4th, 2020