Taylor Momsen Graveyard Nudity of the Day

Taylor Momsen is a crowd favorite, I don’t know why….but people fucking love her…and I only find that interesting because before last week, I totally forgot she even existed until last week when she decided to do some promotional work for what must be a new album…but then again I don’t go on social media to see if she’s been consistently bringing the goods or if that’s just what she does to get attnetion when she’s about to do a cash grab….you’d hope that it is something she does all throughout her life so that it doesn’t seem so desperate for a transaction, you kmnow in a “she’s using us because we are simp fucks who will buy what she’s selling if she’s naked”….which is probably what she’s doing> i guess you can google her album release and see if it corresponds to her dramatic nudes where you can’t see butthole even if the whole era of people is based on buttholes…

Unless she’s just out here because it is officially CHRISTMAS SEASON and since being in Grinch singing “Where are you Christmas”…she get so excited for this time of year she gets naked in a graveyard….to be goth edgy and ultimately…pretty fucking lame…since we can’t see the butthole.


Taylor Momsen Graveyard Nudity of the Day November 11th, 2020