Tanline Thursday of the Day

It’s cold as shit here but TAN LINES exist in all climates thanks to things like Tanning Beds, Spray Tans, that you’d think were seen as racist, while all these girls are darkening their skin, but still at the BLM marches, because you need that tan to be your hottest and if you’re going to be in the media, you best be your hottest….as they angrily try to cancel some people who have done black face, while they support others in black face like Fallon…how did that fucker not lose his show…makes no sense…

Tanlines…from Spray Tans and Real Tans…to show you where there was once clothes…much hotter than my farmer tan to show you where there was t-shirts…the socially acceptable black face….even when you got your red lipstick on you Al Jolsen fucks…

Tanline Thursday of the Day November 12th, 2020