Vanessa Hudgens Homeless Man Dance of the Day

If you’re into seeing Vanessa Hudgens looking like a crackhead prostitute who has just lost her fucking mind and is about to hit the ground convulsing thanks to shitty street drugs she had to fish out of a puddle after her last john only paid her 5 dollars for the rotten mouth dick suck….here she is…all fucking unhinged…

I know the Vanessa Hudgens has spent they COVID quarantine that’s barely an actual quarantine, at least not for rich people, but yeah she spent the time optimizing her social media, I guess she realized she had a serious audience there because she is fucking famous from TV, and if she does basic influencer tactics…easy to fucking get those people excited and those excited people means brand deals, acting jobs, bigger pay days…people like people with an audience….which is why no one likes me…

I don’t know why I enjoy this video, is it the tight dress, is it the reminder that bitches be crazy and the crazier the bitch the better she fucks…or maybe I just like this new Vanessa Hudgens hustle…but not that much, since I hate all attention seeking celebrity trash…

Vanessa Hudgens Homeless Man Dance of the Day November 12th, 2020