Skinny Girl Saturday of the Day

I guess I was supposed to post these over the weekend, but I was drunk and being drunk makes it hard for me to get on a computer and write nonsense about pics of girls who think they are skinny enough to be hashtagged our uploaded to the skinny girl group…but because the world is so fat, some girls who think they are skinny are not the true meaning of skinny…they are basically the GRINCH WHO STOLE SKINNY, who by comparison to all the fatties are skinny, but for someone from an era of skinny girls being the norm, true skinny is some starved out eating disorder shit…just fucking skin and bones….the shit that unrealistic body expectations were built on…the reason I have a tall skinny model fetish….but I guess these girls despite not being as skinny as I want…aren’t fat…so this is Skinny Girl Saturday…on a MONDAY…lol….I’m suck a failure.

Skinny Girl Saturday of the Day November 16th, 2020