Sarah Hyland Bikini of the Day

Sara Hyland and her ugly friends are living their perfectly average looking lives in a pool….in their bikinis….trying to be as sexy as they can…something average looking girls covet…

There’s a general increase in smutty pics from girls on the itnernet, huge influx of nudes and semi nudes, and that’s a great thing….but with that comes the middle of the road girl getting in on the hot girl’s game…trying to be the hot girl, and hell, they may even think they are the hot girl, because dudes are desperate, see tits and are down to compliment the bitch in hopes of more nudes or even a blowjob…

I always wondered about the average girl moving in on the hot girl territory, I didn’t think it would have ever really been as big of a thing as it is now, because I prefer looking at hot chicks to average chicks, I don’t need girl next door, that look like the literal girl next door, fat in her athleisure outfits, I like my girl next door to be the fantasy of a hot girl next door…I guess I’m aspirational in my nudes…I want something better than what you can probably scrape off a public bathroom floor after meeting on TINDER…you know what I mean..

So when a celeb like Sara Hyland puts out half naked shit, and it looks like a bunch of 30 year old customer service girls who are recently single and at an All Inclusive having a girl’s week, because girl power, you know all that girl shit they post up on their social meida…SQUADS…it’s so middle management it is painful…

It’s just that I expect more….if you’re going to get half naked while average looking, do something fun like eat each other’s assholes or something….posing like Charlie’s Angels is so deeply fucking lame I almost feel embarassment these delusional idiots don’t feel because they are so hyped on themselves.

What I am saying, is dudes….stop hyping up average girls cuz you think they’ll fuck you, keep average looking girls the middle of the road losers they are meant to be, otherwise the whole power dynamic gets thrown off…hot girl things are for hot girls…stop “black facing” it.


Sarah Hyland Bikini of the Day November 18th, 2020