Chantel Jeffries Gets Naked of the Day

Chantel Jeffries is some mangled face, clearly overly inspired by the Kardashians, who managed to go viral on social media because of her hot body that she used to basically sex work her way through the ranks of important dudes….from Athletes to DJs to getting arrested Bieber, this trashcan of a woman, despite being a trashcan of a woman, has close to 5 million followers….and is repped by legit talent agencies because they just threw protocol out the window and said “we can’t decipher the difference between hooker, sugar baby and legit celebrity, but with that level of followers, they can spin it….plus she’s with celebs all time, she’s fucked DIPLO that must count for something….at least that’s what all the local bar stars around the world think….but you get what I’m saying, she’s trash, that’s what I am saying….instagram influencer, the modern day shitty pornstar…getting naked….the way she should always be, but I guess that plays against her fake influencer shit…CAA doesn’t approve…but I do…keep influencers naked…that’s the campaign I’m running over here.

Chantel Jeffries Gets Naked of the Day November 19th, 2020