Camila Mendes Fitness Erotica of the Day

Camila Mendes Fitness

I’ve seen Riverdale and I’ve always seen Camila Mendes as a neckless troll who they cast as Veronica because she’s Mexican or Hispanic or some shit and TV needs diversity…which I am all for…but give the part to the best option, not some neckless troll looking bitch because she checks off “hispanic” on the racist hollywood casting checklist…because you know that’s exactly what happens…they have meetings where they say “we need to be inclusive so we don’t get dragged, let’s make Veronica Ethnic, that’ll be edgy”…then decide that they’ll also make her family criminals…which I guess is also racist in and of itself..but at least they have representation or some shit.

I don’t think obvious ethnic checklist casting has any level of authenticity, but I do think it is hilarious that they turned the ethnic family into criminals…I also think they could have cast dozens if not 1000s of other hispanic or black or even Indian – dot or feather Veronicas…that you’d want to jerk off to like you did as a kid reading your Double Digests….it’s just a fail across the board.

However, for whatever reason, her working out clips make her look substantially here’s that working out…and apparently…she’s grown a neck.


Camila Mendes Fitness Erotica of the Day November 26th, 2020