Lizzy Wurst is the Worst of the Day

I had never heard of Lizzy Wurst, who says she’s a big girls trying to make it in the average world, or some nonsense on her instagram with over 1.6 million followers she shows off her tits too.

She looks like shit, her content is shit, and apparently this video is the kind of stuff she’s selling to her fans and it’s terrible.

Imagine, you’re some kind of loser who falls for a troll from instagram and you decided to shop local for the holidays and pay some influencer for her nudes, instead of just getting the nudes free off the internet, I mean there’s so much free porn why do people want this fake personal connection where they feel like they are contributing to the girl they are jerking off to….is it some male instinct of wanting to be a provider? I don’t know…I just know if I paid for a clothed girl to smash cupcakes on herself in what looks like a beheading video set-up, I’d be mad…but then again, Maitland Ward used to post pics for her PATREON she was making 50k a month on before other girls hopped on the trend and they all looked like they were shot on a Hair Dryer, or a fucking Atari, you know a shitty fucking camera….a camera so bad it couldn’t have been a camera…

So dudes are desperate losers with credit cards is the lesson in this story…

If you’re one of those losers, check out Lizzy the Wurst on INSTAGRAM , maybe you’ll fall in love with her and start paying her too….losers.

Lizzy Wurst is the Worst of the Day December 3rd, 2020