Stella Maxwell Topless of the Day

Stella Maxwell is clearly struggling during COVID as she posts her thong ass on the beach somewhere, because COVID doesn’t affect the rich, if anything it makes them way fucking richer thanks to that Stock Market crash, bounce back, bitcoin, rich person shit…

I am not one of those hate on people just trying to live their lives despite COVID, I actually think that’s what we should all be doing and not because I don’t think the virus is serious for some people, but because I believe in our right to choose our own fucking destiny….it’s like these people who don’t want to government to meddle in their abortions are the same people begging for curfews and lockdowns, despite the negative effect it has…

Not that we care, this is about the thong ass of a hot model on a beach… it is just to say, it’s funny to see the inconsistencies from all these fucks…pretending to care, pretending to be woke, because they are lesbians who fuck A-Listers….so you can’t really say anything negative about her because that will make you an un-woke discriminator who hates the gays….even if you’re not saying shit about her being a star fucking lesbian…you’re saying that she clearly isn’t effected by COVID…it’s all so confusing…

What isn’t confusing is that she came to NYC many years ago with uneven tits, a shaved head and a hipster model dream…grew her hair out, got small tits, and fucked Kristen Stewart, Miley and whoever else…and now is a VS Angel…the scam worked.


Stella Maxwell Topless of the Day December 3rd, 2020