Bella Hadid Nipples of the Day

Bella Hadid has a hard fucking face. This is like watching that Drag Queen show that everyone seems to love so much, just a hard face in make-up overdoing the whole “feminine” thing in a light hearted parody or satire, onlY Bella Hadid is committed to pretending to be a woman….even worse…the fashion industry decided her unique hard face was hot and have patted her on the back consistently enough for her to believe she’s a TOP MODEL, since she’s paid as one and has consistent work offers, invitations, and relevance…despite looking the way she did.

I am convinced it’s a jealous of the older sister, cry-baby younger sister making her parents invest in rebuilding her, since it was their genetic’s fault that she was so ugly, and since they were on TV and LA trash with a lot of money, getting her some procedures to make her less troll like was a sound investment, clearly it paid off because she really matters now….

People out there do think she’s hot, maybe it’s her eyes, but it’s probably the tits, because top models don’t typically have tits, while all I see on Bella Hadid is tits, since I pretend the rest of her doesn’t exist.


Bella Hadid Nipples of the Day December 7th, 2020