Medical Worker Monday of the Day

Support our frontline workers who are risking it all like a Fireman in a forest fire, or not quite risking it all since COVID has a 99.99% survival rate, which I guess is what freaks out all the people who see the government pushing mandatory vaccines in order to get our freedoms back, to which people are fully down to sign-up for while selling out their friends and neighbors to the authorities like real pieces of shit who don’t realizing “IN IT TOGETHER” means being in it together man, those assholes aren’t our friends and the media brainwashing us with fear about something with a 99.99% success rate is just idiotic…but SHUT IT ALL DOWN….close CALIFORNIA….while these people go to work everyday to keep you all alive….when really they are probably just super-spreader events as they expose their cunts in these places where there is COVID…..I don’t know what COVID cunt looks like, but I guess this is as close as we’ll get and I am just happy it doesn’t look like COVID foot…

I am not a conspiracy theorist, I just believe in logic and logically, the government doesn’t give a fuck about you….and either does the media, they just want clicks and ad impressions to make stupid money to perpetuate their “editorial” pieces that are all opinion based and not fact based because it makes for cheaper content…

I remember the other day I read something about IVANKA TRUMP in Vanity Fair or some other legit magazine and they said in the article “I presume she assumed she’d be in office 8 years not 4″…..presuming she assumes..

Now I am not a journalist but I know that ain’t journalism though, that’s some asshole’s useless, meaningless, unquantifiable opinion….fuck that guy…or girl…or they….

Anyway, I do find the frontline workers letting the whole HERO thing get to their head – but I do think that is ok because their new confidence brings the MRSA titties!

Medical Worker Monday of the Day December 7th, 2020