Milf Monday of the Day

MILFs are people too…along with Tranny, the MILF porn category has been huge for a long fucking time and it is clearly because behind a computer, you anonymous pervert fucks can jerk off to disgusting things and not really think anything of it….because MILFs for the most part are disgusting…whether it’s the gaping pussy that was sewn back up after being shredded by childbirth so bad that she was shitting out of her cunt as it perforated the shit tube and connected it to the egg hole…or the fact that it’s obviously because you want to fuck your own mother on some Oedipus Rex level of killing your dad off to get momma’s teet to yourself, a TIMELESS fetish….I mean Socrates wrote that shit back when he was fucking Aristotle back when they were inventing anal sex in Greece…long before it was something every millennial was obsessed with…

The only reason a MILF would be a good choice is if you want a bitch who has birthing out of her system, but then you have to deal with her system that has birthed….which means you get the worst of both worlds…at least if you knock a bitch up to make her that MILF she helped spread your seed, instead you’re dealing with a thick lipped, well travelled experienced and abused vagina that the guy who knocked the bitch up doesn’t want nothing to do with anymore….making you live with the fact that you’re sloppy second eater every second weekend….and holiday….

But I guess you can’t be a DrunkenStepfather without MILFs…so here’s a MILF round-up.

I guess some MILFs can be hot, if they got their start young, but it pains me at my core to admit that because it goes against everything I’ve ever known or believed in…

Milf Monday of the Day December 7th, 2020