Ashley Benson Latex of the Day

Ashley Benson is on the prowl, or at least realizing that she’s got a huge social media following and everything that matters or that happens in the world is from social media…and this girl just had to get cast on Pretty Little Liars and coast….

The brand deals these idiots get, the money they make, far more substantial than acting work, which is great for Benson since her last acting job was pretending to be a lesbian for clout….that’s not to say she didn’t eat pussy, but she clearly realized that lesbianism is a weird fetish or a myth…something perverts do…

So in recent months, she’s steppe it up, assuming this is stepping it up, because people need to buy product and how would they buy product without having people like BENSON manipulating us to buy in exchange for a pay out…fuckers.


Ashley Benson Latex of the Day December 8th, 2020