Bella Thorne’s Bra Top Cuz she’s Trash of the Day

Bella Thorne is trash that encourages young girls to also be trash while ripping off girls who are trash and I look forward to society finding morality again so that our idols are good moral leaders, not that I am against girls who are trash, but when trash is mainstream it takes the fun out of trash….I am all for porn being a private, secret, thing. I don’t need to see everyone masturbate or know everyone masturbates, there is beauty in mystery. They call it the tease..

Cheapening yourself for likes, hype and clout, but that will get old fast. As any pornstars, it’s all down hill from when you do your first anal scene.

I get it, trash is funny, instagram gratification is good, this is how you make the most noise, but it gets fucking boring….and this is boring…

Belle Thorne looks like she smells like walmart, not what I look for in celebs, but she’s famous, in the industry, an “actress”…but not my definition of celebrity…more of a Kardashian than a LOhan….if you know what I mean…SHOUT OUT LOHAN…the only redhead who matters.

But then again, Bella Thorne is bigger than that old school suffocating Hollywood, she’s got her hands in a bunch of businesses and is cashing in off her generation, so maybe being trash is good when you’re faking it for clout, because you’re Disney trained and know how to shock and awe and manipulate the minds of the youth…you’re TRAINED on that….so as you pretend to be a crackhead, you actually have 33 million dollar businesses running and that Hollywood shit is just for marketing….cash grabbing capitalism dreams….

Can’t hate a girl for influencing the new generation to get naked on the internet becaue it’s normal and profitable…we will never RUN out of NUDES….she’s the hero we need for a future filled of NUDES….NEVER NO NUDES!!!

Bella Thorne’s Bra Top Cuz she’s Trash of the Day December 10th, 2020