Tanline Thursday of the Day

Nothing to get you in the Christmas Spirit like some TANLINES….because Tanlines are fun…

I think if Santa was to jerk off to anything while living up in the North Pole all year, it would be TANLINES….

Tropical VIBES…

I mean not the Christmas is even happening, Christmas in Canada is cancelled, you know because of a virus that is “OUT OF CONTROL”….that their “HOSPITALS CAN’T HANDLE”….because they mismanage our TAX money….a virus that has a 99.99 percent survival rate, that the deaths reported may not even be COVID deaths, with testing that give false positives they pretend are ASYMPTOMATIC, you know…1 out of 20 positive tests are actual positives…because it allows them to control us….was it a master plan, who fucking knows…was it a seize an opportunity…maybe…but that virus, that I believe is real…is hardly worth cancelling Christmas for…

But Tanlines…tanlines can’t be cancelled, even if they made anit-gay, anti-trans statements…even if TANLINES raped the women they were on after a wild night at the resort no one rememebers consenting for….tanlines wouldn’t be cancelled for being a trump supporter…because TANLINES love FLORIDA…and TANLINES…are forever, or until they fade away….to be replaced by future tanlines…

Here are girls showing off tanlines!

Tanline Thursday of the Day December 10th, 2020