Weight Watchers on the Weekend Sunday of the Day

I think I overshot with this whole weekend update thing….I don’t bother writing them on Friday, my hands are broken and need to do nothing for two days, because idiotic a thing updating this site is, it’s a lot of fucking work…a sick obsession really…

But that doesn’t mean I didn’t have the images saved or the intention to post them..

We’re talking SKINNY GIRL Saturday, WEIGHT WATCHERS WEEKEND for the fatties, so you we aren’t seen as one of those NON INCLUSIVE sites, which we are not, I actually find fat chicks vile…then there’s SHOWER SUNDAY because if you’re going to celebrate showers, it might was well be on a SUNDAY because there’s nothing else to fucking do….and lastly…SWIMSUITS….just girls in swimsuits since they make everything better…

So here’s my one post for all four posts before I get into today’s NUDE celebrity nonsense…

Weight Watchers on the Weekend Sunday of the Day December 14th, 2020