Ashley Greene Fitness Erotica of the Day

Ashley Greene’s demonstrating how you make it in Hollywood by showing her deep pussy stretch that probably doesn’t need to be so deep of a stretch to impress the small dicks that run Hollywood, but then you have to remember that they get to fuck all the celebs and girls who want to be celebs, so any competitive advantage is important to fully utilize, at least until getting onto a hit “Saga” like Twilight that put her Florida trash ass on the map.

I was never a fan or interested in anything Twilight related, Kristen Stewart fucking sucks and is an ugly troll of a woman, whether she’s empowered as a lesbian or not…and this fringe character that Twilight shat out was never exciting to me…if anything I hated her when she was dating the Jonas Brother like Olivia Culpo….pretending…or LYING…I call it LYING to the media about how they don’t fuck to keep some purity ring bullshit lie alive….and I hate sluts who lie about being sluts….even if at the time of the purity ring it was “cool” to not fuck, while now fucking is clout, cool, edgy, a viral challenge…that can lead to actual viral challenges…like herpes and the whole thing is just way more fun now….but here’s that Ashley Graham, Florida Trash, who lied to her fans about being a wholeseome while being a slut…and it is all not that exciting.


Ashley Greene Fitness Erotica of the Day December 15th, 2020