Lizzo Being Fat of the Day

I have been consistent in my messaging about fat being disgusting…which is deemed wrong in this moral high ground of the internet we currently live in…the whole anti-CYBERBULLY shit and that whole Body Positivity shit…clearly a media tactic to keep people fat and coddled and whining amongst themselves because they don’t want you fit, healthy or lean…the fit healthy and lean have the energy to realize they are being fucked by the system, while the sick and fat just take it because they like the attention..

Now, I am allowed to make fun of fat people because I am fat…just like gays can use that illegal “F” workd…or Black people can use that “N” word and no one can complain…as fat man married to a fat woman who lives the fat and unhealthy life…I can target these fat models and celebrities and Lizzo the monster types and say “you are fucking disgusting”….because they are fucking disgusting.

It is irresponsible to own your fat, sensationalize and fetishize your fat, monetize your fat, and treat your fat like a novelty item to help you reach the top of your fat life…that will be cut short because of the fat…

I am all for some fat bitch who knows she’s going to die turning herself into some sort of freak for people to laugh at, but they don’t present themselves like that, instead they try to make us reevaluate all we know about FAT and delete it, then support them like fat isn’t a fucking disease that leads to disease.

The LAST thing we should be doing is telling kids it’s cool to be fat, or that fat is hot to anyone besides drunk dudes at 3 am….because they will just get fat, since getting fat is fucking easy…so that they can be mindless, lazy, glued to a screen disgusting people who just consume shit they want you to be….

Diabetes, cancer, heart disease…literally EVERY Disease is higher risk to a fat fuck, even COVID….but instead of dropping weight, she just keeps being vile..

NOW, this video is some body positivity bullshit, because she’s made millions she never thought she’d make and has celebrity she never thought she’d have, fat girls even when fake confident don’t expect to win….

But apparently this is a video to her haters, and not even the FAT SHAMING haters like me, it’s for the people mad at her because she’s trying to be healthy..

IT doesn’t look like she’s healthy, she’s not healthy and she knows she’s as fat and now rich so it’s time to get healthy..

BUT THE FAT CHICKS are revolting…they are mad she’s drinking Green Juices and shit…like they want her to be their fat leader who only eats massive amounts of fried foods because it makes them feel better about their sick selves…

So good for LIZZO in using fat to game the system as she now has chosen to try to live…and fuck you fat fans for trying to bring everyone down into your fat hell you should seriously try to do some sit-ups out of…fuckers…

Stop eating, Start Walking…LIVE…..but instead sit on screen and get mad at someone who is legit about to die for trying to not die…you miserable pigs…


Lizzo Being Fat of the Day December 17th, 2020