Workout Wednesday of the Day

Workout Wednesday is supposed to be slutty girls being slutty in the GYM, but I guess with COVID and Gyms closed, these girls are more about the post workout body they’ve been building, because girls after their workouts are statistically horny and ready to cum, maybe the hormones, all jacked on testosterone, or maybe they just feel good with their muscle swole, I don’t fucking know, I don’t do that whole fitness thing…but I appreciate girls who do, because a fit life is a better life, but also better for us to look at, which is really what it’s all about in this superficial world…the fat and the soft are far less appealing than those who try to be fit, and sure not all these “workout girls” are at their prime, but at least they are trying instead of eating cake and cookies saying shit like “Don’t tell me I’m not healthy because I am fat, only my doctor knows that”….or whatever other body positivity LIE they push on us…fuckers.

Workout Wednesday of the Day December 23rd, 2020