Medical Worker Monday of the Day

Medical Worker Monday is my time to make fun of COVID…or at least the way the governments are handling it like idiots with knee jerk reactions and lockdowns and shitty babysitting…when the virus has a 99.9% survival rate…based on the TESTING which has been proven to be inaccurate…so maybe the survival rate is more like 99.9999999%…hardly a pandemic…

Funeral Homes aren’t over capacity, there are no dead bodies in the streets, the EMERGENCY room here only has 31 beds and 6 of those beds are not occupied….REAL FUCKING PANDEMIC…right….just terrifying..

So they tell you to not see family or friends, cancel Christmas, close non-essential businesses they decide are non essential businesses, bars and restaurant dining rooms remain closed here….so you can’t be a grown up and decide if you want a beer at a bar, even if you’ve survived the virus….

Even if I got COVID and DIED of COVID I would have the same opinion on the virus and the bullshit around it….people die, life is about living, if you die of COVID you die of fucking COVID, but most people don’t so stop doing the “PEANUT ALLERGY, BAN ALL PEANUTS” at school becuase one kid has a peanut allergy approach..

Old people are waiting to die to begin with… I am of the school of thought of “if it is 99.9%, locking down businesses is mental”…

Not to mention, people are still gross, they still don’t wash hands, they don’t wear masks properly, they sneeze on things, they don’t lockdown or social distance, and there’s still a 99.99 percent survival rate….

The theory is that people fucking LOVE being locked down and as an agoraphobic who has spent the last 16 years in my underwear, inside, away from people, criticized for it by people who had jobs and hobbies, are now realizing they were missing out…

This lockdown is the best excuse to not leave home, to work less, to catch up on shows, to lower responsibilities with people you don’t care about, to reflect on how you spend you time…no more commute, more time with immediate family, less time with peripheral family….you know how it is, people love being part of this shit and don’t care if it’s bullshit, it’s like a vacation….

Even these medical workers are out here in a PANDEMIC taking the time to sing, dance, relieve stress, and get naked to sell nudes or to give people jerk off material because they are bored at the hospitals now that there’s far less hospital traffic than ever because no one is going to the fucking hospitals anymore…

In conclusion, nurses are sluts.

Medical Worker Monday of the Day December 28th, 2020